Possible Reasons For Anemia Explained

Possible Reasons For Anemia Explained


Anemia is a medical condition referring to lower-than-normal red blood cells in your blood. With anemia, your body lacks oxygen-rich blood. The doctor diagnoses it with a routine blood test mentioned as low hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein in RBC that carries oxygen to your body’s tissue or cells.

Hence, low hemoglobin leads to tiredness, weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, etc. If you have such symptoms, see your general physician and go for the blood tests recommended. Modifying diet and lifestyle and being on meds as prescribed help you heal optimally. You might consult your GP at the best multispecialty hospital in Siliguri.

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common kind of anemia and its other types include sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, aplastic anemia, vitamin deficiency anemia, diamond-black fan amenia, microcytic anemia, etc. Seek medical attention if you experience weakness, fatigue, pale skin, irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, headache, cold hands and feet, chest pain, etc.

Here're some of the possible reasons for anemia or low hemoglobin:

Iron-deficiency anemia

A diet low in iron, blood loss due to menstruation, pregnancy, celiac disease, gastric bypass, genetics, endometriosis, internal bleeding due to colon or stomach cancer or polyps, etc. may lead to iron-deficiency anemia.

Aplastic anemia

High-dose radiation/chemotherapy exposure to the bone marrow, use of meds to treat rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune disorders, HIV, parvovirus B19, exposure to gasoline, pesticides, benzene, insecticides, pregnancy, etc. can cause aplastic anemia. You might visit one of the best Siliguri private hospitals near you.

Vitamin deficiency anemia

Not only iron but also folate and vitamin B12 help make healthy red blood cells. Lack of these nutrients can interfere with the production of healthy RBCs. Many people have problems with vitamin absorption, which make them more susceptible to vitamin deficiency anemia.

Sickle cell anemia

It’s an inherited disorder, which affects the shape of red blood cells. Anemia is the primary symptom and other signs include periodic extreme pain, delayed puberty/growth, frequent infections, pneumonia, swelling of hands and feet, etc.

Hemolytic anemia

It’s a blood disorder that results from when red blood cells break down/die faster than your body can replace them with new blood cells leading to jaundice, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, fatigue, low blood pressure, bloody urine, enlarged spleen, etc.


It’s an inherited blood disorder responsible for low hemoglobin in your body, leading to fatigue, abdominal swelling, pale skin, dark urine, weakness, slow growth, bone deformities, an enlarged spleen, delayed puberty, etc. Consult medical experts at the best hospital in Siliguri city.

At the same time, health conditions like cancer, diabetes, kidney failure/kidney disease, HIV/AIDS, prolonged periods, excessive alcohol intake, etc. can contribute to anemia or low hemoglobin. Based on medical diagnosis pinpointing the underlying cause, your doctor will ensure your anemia treatment plan.

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